Quirks of Each Conference

Each Conference we go to has different quirks due to variances in rules and procedures. This list will attempt to prepare you for each conference, but each dias is different, so always ask your dias when in doubt. 



KSU is one of the strictest conferences we go to, warning against using personal pronouns and turning back draft resolutions due to formatting issues. Ensure that you use only Member State and refer to yourself as your country’s name or “we” or “it”.  The best way to ensure strict grammar is followed is to pay attention in the resolution writing session before the committee and to use the template provided on their website to mimic the grammar and format. 

In terms of procedure, KSU does not allow points of information but uses points of personal privilege to ask a question to the dias.  Also, KSU does not allow motioning for a placard vote, but will ask for voting motions, then will take up to a vote by acclimation and a vote by roll call vote. If both of these are motioned for, the vote by acclimation will proceed then if it fails the committee will go into a vote by roll call. The Placard vote will proceed if a roll call vote is not motioned for.



Allows for point of information to question the speaker.



GT allows for points of information to question the Dias. It is a technical conference and puts weight on what countries you work with, the wording in your resolution, and how well you represent your country.

Motions are cleared after one is passed, and you will vote on new motions each time.



GSMST will frequently have per-committee quirks with Diases running each committee very differently from the next. It is important to keep an open mind and listen to the dias.

The dais are high schoolers and have fewer systems in place to prevent bias when calling on placards, make sure you sit in the front as if you get called on multiple times at the start you will make a good impression.